How to build an ISO

Make sure you have your config/ directory available. For your first ISO build tests we recommend to use our sample from the following repo linkopen in new window. You can find further information about this config directory here

To build the iso yourself, you can choose between one of the following possibilities:

If you want to build the build container yourself link

Build iso

Docker plain

  1. Have a workdirectory with your config/ adjusted for your client
  2. Run docker pull to download the latest iso builder
  3. Run docker run -it -v $(pwd)/config:/config:Z -v $(pwd)/output:/output:Z
  4. Enjoy the iso in output/

Docker compose

  1. Have a workdirectory with your config/ adjusted for your client
  2. Copy the docker-compose.yml file from hereopen in new window to that directory
  3. Run docker-compose pull && docker-compose up in the main directory
  4. Enjoy the iso in output/

Github Workflow

  1. Create a new repo containing the config directory adjusted for your client
  2. Create the following file as workflow file under .github/workflows/isobuild.yml
name: Build Iso
    name: Build Iso
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - name: Check out the repo
        uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - name: Run the build process with Docker
        uses: addnab/docker-run-action@v3
          run: ./build-iso
          options: -v ${{ github.workspace }}/config:/config:Z -v /output:/output:Z
      - name: Save iso
        uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
          name: potos-iso
          path: /output/*.iso
          retention-days: 1

Build your own container image

If you want to build the build container image yourself, have a look at the potos-iso-builderopen in new window repo. All the container relevant files are in the container subdirectory and are described in the READMEopen in new window