Potos Playbook

Potos clients use the global playbookopen in new window to execute the Ansible roles defined in the specs repository.

This repository contains 2 playbooks.


This playbook does the following:

  1. It reads what specs repository is defined to use in /etc/potos/specs_repo.yml and then clones that repo.
  2. It copies the files from the templates to the playbook directory and applies the templating.
  3. It copies the files from the files to the playbook directory without applying any templating.
  4. It copies the files from the vars directory into the location, so that they are in playbook.yml availables as host_vars for localhost.
  5. It installs all the collections defined in the collection.yml


This playbook does the following:

  1. It reads the specs definition and defines the client name as potos_plays_client_full_name for the long version and potos_plays_client_short_name for the short version
  2. It templates the templates/requirements.yml.j2 from the playbook directory to requirements.yml for later usage
  3. It installs all the roles defined in requirements.yml
  4. It executes all the roles defined in requirements.yml