
A minimal structure example for a client with the potos_wallpaperopen in new window role, to have something to explain:

│   requirements.txt
│   └───potos_wallpaper
│   │   │   potos-vanilla.jpg
│   │
│   └───templates
│       │   requirements.yml.j2
│   └───default
│       │ converge.yml
│       │ molecule.yml
│       │ prepare.yml
│       │ verify.yml
│   │   collections.yml.j2
    │   potos_wallpaper.yml

The README is just a normal git repository readme file, with no special function besides informing a viewer about the repos purpose.


The requirements.txt file defines the requirements to be loaded for the molecule testing (see # molecule)


All files from within this directory are straight copied into the Potos Playbook directory.


This directory is specific to the potos_wallpaperopen in new window role. In this case it contains the background images to be deployed to the clients.


This is a special directory as files within this directory are available as templates to the playbook execution.


This is a mandatory file for all Potos clients, as this file defines what role should be executed at which point in time. It is basically just a ansible-galaxyopen in new window requirements file getting templated specifically for this playbook run. Although we extended it a little bit, to support more options for git via ssh, see here.

As an example

{% if potos_runtype == 'setup' %}
- name: firstboot
  src: git+
  version: 'main'
{% endif %}
- name: basics
  src: git+
  version: 'main'

- name: wallpaper
  src: git+
  version: 'main'

Here the potos_firstbootopen in new window role is executed just when the runtype is set as setup. In this case this means it is only executed once during the setup process.

The roles potos_basicsopen in new window and potos_wallpaperopen in new window are then executed each time.

SSH Deploy key

If you want to include private repos that need a deploy key, for one you can define it the following way

- name: secret
  version: 'main'
  key_file: "{{ playbook_dir }}/potos_secret.rsa"
- name: topsecret
  scm: git
  version: 'main'
  key_file: "/etc/potos/topsecret.rsa"

For the first example you need to place the private deployment key in the specs repository under /files/potos_secret.rsa. For the second one, you need to ensure that the private key is available under the given absolute path.


The key_file path needs to be absolute and the key_file must have no more permissions than 0600, as else it will not be accepted as private key from openssl


Dependent on your environment, you may want to reuse the deployment key of your specs repo. If so, set key_file: /etc/potos/specs_key


This directory contains the Molecule testing. In the case of the example spec repository, we basically deploy a potos client onto a container.

For more infos on Molecule see the Molecule testing in writing your own role


This directory is basically the same as files, but with the difference that already when copying the files to the playbook location they are getting templated.


This is a mandatory file for all Potos clients, as this file defines what additional collectionsopen in new window should be installed before the playbook execution, to run all roles. In most cases at some point you will probably need to add ansible.posix and community.general as they are widely used.


In this directory you can place yaml files to override role variables and customize them for your client. All the files in this directory are available as host_vars during the Potos playbook execution.


This file is specific to the potos_wallpaperopen in new window role. It overwrites the variables from this role for this client.