ISO build config

For your iso build you need a config directory to mount as volume.


Place your client logo in this file, if you want some customization during the setup dialogs If no such file is available, by default the Potos Logo is used.


The iso build is configured using YAMLopen in new window based config.yml file. The file has to be located within the configuration directory mounted as volume into the build container.


The dot-notation of a config-key like client_name.long means long property within the client_name section. All dot-notation references are absolut.

Breaking changes v1 to v2

  • Rename specs.ansible-vault-key-file to specs.ansible_vault_key_file because Python doesn't allow - in variable names
  • Replace input.iso_filename, input.iso_url, input.sha256_filename, input.sha256_url used to specify the iso with the new variable os predefining them
  • Replace preinstall_packages with the new variable os predefining them


Type: string, Default: Potos Linux Client

Define the Name of your Linux Client, e.g. "My Linux Client".


Type: string, lowercase, short, regex ^([0-9a-z]{1,32})$, Default: potos

Define the short name of your Linux Client. Use lowercase. Will be used for example for the log folder /var/log/$POTOS_CLIENT_SHORTNAME


Type: boolean --> true|false, Default: false

To enable autoinstall feature with disk encryption (except: /boot). You have to enter the defined password at first boot after the installation.


Type: string, Default: install

The autoinstall feature with disk encryption (except: /boot) needs a predefined decryption password. You have to enter this password at first boot after the installation.


Type: string, URL, trailing slash, Default:

The URL to your Git Account that holds your own Potos Specs Repository.

When accessing the specs repo via ssh this must be in the format


Type: string, part of the URL, Default: ansible-specs-potos

The name of your own Potos Git Specs Repository, without .git at the End.


Type: string, Default: main

Define the branch of your specs.repo. Typical values are main, master, develop


Type: filename (string), Default: *none*

Defines in what file inside the config directory the private ssh deployment key is stored, to be used when pulling the specs repo. The key is stored on the machine under /etc/potos/specs_key with permissions 0400.


Type: filename (string), Default: *none*

Defines in what file inside the config directory stores your ansible-vault key. This can be a script to be evaluated on runtime. If a file is given, it is stored under /etc/potos/ansible_vault_key with permission 0700 and should then be given to each ansible execution with the cli param --vault-password-file=/etc/potos/ansible_vault_key


Type: string, Default: potoshostname01

Your Linux Client based on Potos will use this predefined hostname at the installation and first boot.


Type: string, Default: admin

An initial username is required. Will have full sudo (root) permission. Can be removed later on.


Type: string, Default: admin hashed

The password in form of a hash. Create your own with echo -n yourpasswordhere | mkpasswd --method=SHA-512 --stdin .


Type: string, Default: production

Possible values are production and develop. The installation in develop mode is more verbose.


Type: string, Default: setup

Run type of the first ansible run


Type: boolean --> true|false, Default: false

Disable both the security question before overwriting the disk and the user input from iso side to allow a fully unattended installation


Type: *string", Default: jammy

Selection of what operating system the iso should base on. Currently the following options are supported:

  • jammy: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS (Jammy)
  • focal: Ubuntu 20.04 LTS (Focal)


Type: string, Default: %Y%m%d

What string should be used as Version identifier. Date variable substitution (e.g. %Y = 2023) is active on this variable.


Type: string, Default: `client_name.short`-installer-`environment`.iso

How the iso in the output directory should be named


Type: string, Default: 0xCCCCCC

If you use a system with isoboot, you can define the text color of the not currently selected options


Type: string, Default: 0xFFFFFF

If you use a system with isoboot, you can define the text color of the currently selected options


Type: string, Default: 0x161B21

If you use a system with isoboot, you can define the screen background color.


If you use a system with isoboot, you can insert your custom access.pcx. If such a system is used and no file is placed, a default Potos one is used.


If you use a system with isoboot, you can insert your custom splash.pcx. If such a system is used and no file is placed, a default Potos one is used.