Potos roles

Here just a quick overview over the most important Ansible roles we have for potos.

You can list all of them on Githubopen in new window

potos_basicsopen in new window

This role contains basic features such as regular ansible pulls.

potos_firstbootopen in new window

This role implements a generic first boot wizard with YAD.


This role interupts the execution, ensure it is only run during the first boot, when the user can interact with it.

potos_templateopen in new window

This is not a real role, it is more a template based on which you can develop your own role. For more see here


Have a look at other roles on how things are done there e.g. potos_wallpaper

potos_wallpaperopen in new window

This role just sets the wallpapers on Gnome and also functions as an example role.